Login Problems: Username and/or password is not recognised
IT accounts are managed by the central IT management system. If you can’t log into Weblearn and other London Met online systems, you need to get your password reset.
Try using FastPass with the password that you were sent when you joined or the last password that you have used for your London Met IT account
If you can’t reset your password using FastPass, use the ‘Chat with us’ button on the University Support Portal to get help via chat between 9am to 5pm on weekdays.
Once you have a working username and password, you can log into Weblearn at https://bblearn.londonmet.ac.uk
Login problems: Stale Request message
The stale request message is timeout message from the london met login page. It happens when the browser thinks you have been on the login page too long and it times out. It can happen if the last time the browser was used it was closed down on a Weblearn page and it partially remembers some of the details.

The quickest way to resolve the issue is to open another browser and login through there. Opening a new browser tab and typing in bblearn.londonmet.ac.uk can also resolve the issue.
Module Access: I need to access modules I am teaching
Module teaching staff should add themselves to modules as Instructor by using the Staff Module and Organisation Enrolment Tool.
The tool allows you gain instant access to your modules and course sites, and remove yourself from older modules you no longer require access to.
The Staff Module and Organisation Enrolment Tool can be accessed via the ‘Tools’ button on the main Weblearn navigation menu.

Once you have requested access to a module it will appear on your Modules page.
Module not appearing on Modules page
If you can’t find a module that you have already request access to there are a few things you can try:
- Check you are on the correct page
The ‘Current Modules’ page displays all modules which have been made available for students to access. When a module is not yet available to students it will show as ‘Private’ and be listed on the ‘Upcoming Modules’ page.

2. Use the Search feature, or filter by term dropdown menu
Note: the search feature will only search within the filter that has been applied. Eg if the Autumn term is selected then the search will only look for modules within the Autumn term.

3. Make sure the module is not ‘Hidden’
On the Filter dropdown menu, select ‘Hidden from me’ to display all modules which have been hidden from your other views.

‘You don’t have access’ message when trying to open Panopto Recordings

Windows Device
If you open the Panopto Recordings link in your modules and you see a message saying “We were unable to sign you in because your browser is not accepting cookies.” you will need to allow third-party cookies.
View the animation: Allow third-party cookies
In the web browsers address bar, click on the eye icon

Click on the ‘Third-party cookies’ toggle to allow allow third-party cookies.

Mac device
When you try to access some content types through Weblearn using an Apple device, you need to make sure that ‘Cross-Site Tracking’ has not been blocked by your web browser.
If cross-site tracking is switched off for the browser you are using you will see a message saying “We were unable to sign you in because your browser is not accepting cookies.”
Safari Turn OFF Prevent Cross-Site Tracking:
- Open the Safari app on your computer
- Select Safari > Settings

- Privacy

- Under website tracking, untick ‘Prevent Cross-Site Tracking’

The Message icon is not showing next to my name
The Message icon will not be displayed next to your account under the Module Staff area in your view of the module. This is because you are unable to message yourself.
All other users who have access to the module will be able to view the icon and send you a message from the Module Staff list.